Sunday, July 3, 2011

Another of the Heartworm Four - But No Treatment Yet!

Meet Kenya.

This sweet girl came from a shelter in Gwinnett County, Georgia. Seeing that sad face, and having had a wonderful BDBH dog come from there (Luka), a rescue in GA sent a volunteer to evaluate her at BDBH's request.

The results of the evaluation were not good. While this dog was described as absolutely one of the sweetest the evaluator had ever met, it was discovered that she was unable to walk - her hind end seemed paralyzed. The evaluator was moved to tears by this dog's condition. BDBH found out that the shelter had actually sent her to a vet and got additional information. Despite all the negatives, BDBH decided to give this sweet dog a chance.

She actually has shown improvement in her gait and walking/movement as time has gone by. It is possible she has a disc or back problem, but it is guessed that she had an FCE, which is also called a spinal stroke.

Of course as you know, it turned out that she was heartworm positive. But she was also unable to walk well! Had a big sore on her leg, possibly from the dragging! Unspayed! So many things to look at and parse out.

So she was staged for heartworm - and it was discovered she was in the early stages of infection. This meant, if she was a candidate, she could go through Physical Therapy at Thera-Vet. She went to her new regular vet and then there, and it was decided she could start PT. This is in addition to her heartworm costs, but Kenya is showing the will and the heart to continue to improve. What a great investment in a wonderful dog! We will keep you posted on and here.

Starting her underwater treadmill work:


And getting around pretty darned well - great progress!

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